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Video from "A Celebration of Unity, Equality, and Democracy"

January 27, 2016

A diverse group of community, faith, civic and labor organizations on the weekend before Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2016 came together to reclaim the great civil rights leader’s vision. Over 300 people gathered at the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Bloomfield for a forum design to promote greater democracy and end racial and economic inequality.

Attendees pledged to work together and hold elected and civic leaders accountable in five key policy areas. They include: * good jobs and fair wages; * universal access to quality public education; * a vibrant and fairly funded public sector; * racial, gender, and ethnic justice; and * real democracy in our state and in our workplaces.

Follow Unity, Equality and Democracy Connecticut on Facebook to learn more and be part of the movement:

Music: Scotticesa Marks,

Videographer: Neal Thomassen,