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Political Action Committee

Political Action Committee: reviews the records and positions of candidates running for elected office, makes recommendations on endorsements to the Delegate Assembly, and coordinates the union’s participation in electoral campaigns.

Political Action Committee Chair: Adam Scobie

Register to Vote

To use CT’s online voter registration system, you must have a current and valid driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver photo identification card issued by the CT Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and a signature on file with DMV.

You may use this system to (1) register to vote in Connecticut, (2) change your name and/or address on your current registration record, or (3) enroll in a political party or change party enrollment (changing parties may result in losing rights in all parties for three months). If you move you must re-register to vote in your new town of residence. You can also use this form to change your address if you move within your current town of residence.

If you have questions please contact your local Registrar of Voters or the Secretary of the State.

Registration Instructions:

  1. Fill in all of the required fields on this application
  2. You are not a voter until your application is approved by the Registrar of Voters
  3. You should receive a confirmation within three weeks. If you do not, contact the Registrar of Voters in your town