Hiring Community College Summer Interns
February 16, 2023
The 4Cs will be partnering with Yale Professor Daniel Martinez-HoSang and Alliance for a Just Society to expand on our summer organizing intern program.
The 4Cs will be partnering with Yale Professor Daniel Martinez-HoSang and Alliance for a Just Society to expand on our summer organizing intern program.
The 4Cs Diversity Committee will be hosting a talk and discussion for Black History Month!
Many of you have joined newly formed shared governance bodies this Spring 2023 semester, such as College Senate, Curriculum Congress, Statewide Discipline Councils, and Subject Area Curriculum Committees. Serving on shared governance bodies is an extremely important and vital part of our work. Thank you for serving.
Thank you to all members that voted in the Constitutional Amendment vote!
Our union has formed a Part-Timers Steering Committee to win big improvements for part-time workers in our community colleges this legislative session and in our upcoming contract campaign!
Celebrating our 50th Anniversary as an organization is a monumental occasion, and in addition to our membership conference, we asked one of our members, David C. Jackson to create an image that the 4Cs could use as a limited edition anniversary item for our conference t-shirt and conference materials.
During its December meeting, the Delegate Assembly voted to recommend an amendment to our Constitution.
Our union in partnership with AFT and CSU-AAUP is distributing an **Adjunct Survey** to help us better understand the challenges adjunct members face in our CSCU system and across CT. This survey will provide us necessary information to improve our contract and guide our union in improving working conditions for our adjunct members. The survey will also help inform a policy report to support legislative efforts to enhance equity for adjunct faculty across our state.
Resources from [Upstander](https://upstanderproject.org) Academy for Native American Heritage Month
Be aware that proposals for sabbatical leave are due on November 15!
SEBAC leadership continues to advocate for pandemic hero pay that will recognize our state members’ sacrifices throughout COVID-19 and the critical role they, like all front-line workers played, in getting all of us through the worst of the pandemic.
SEBAC leadership continues to advocate for pandemic hero pay that will recognize our state members’ sacrifices throughout COVID-19 and the critical role they, like all front-line workers played, in getting all of us through the worst of the pandemic.
As we move towards Labor Day weekend, our union wants to take the opportunity to celebrate our members, who have transformed our union. You have stood together to win a contract and you have spoken up against injustices to employees. Our union has become stronger because of your actions and your voices.
Please see below for the draft salary grids for FY22-24 for our full-time tenure-track members. The part-time and Educational Assistant member salary rates are not yet available because our current dispute with management over these wage increases.